Science Advisory Panel
for the Healthy Water Association

Dr. Bella T. Altura
State University of New York Health Science Center at
450 Clarkson Avenue, Box 31
Brooklyn, NY 11203-2098
Tel. (718) 270-1152
Fax. (718) 270-3103
Research Professor of Physiology
Dr. Burton M. Altura
State University of New York Health Science Center at
450 Clarkson Avenue, Box 31
Brooklyn, NY 11203-2098
Tel. (718) 270-1152
Fax. (718) 270-3103
Professor of Physiology and Medicine
Editor-in-Chief, Magnesium and Trace Elements
Dr. Hani K. Daas
CEO, Rawan Healthy Water Group
Sadat City, Egypt
TELEFAX: HOME +203 5501386
Founder and Coordinator of Arab Healthy Water
Will market water with added magnesium.
Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD
Web Site:
Dr. Carolyn Dean is the author of The Miracle of
Magnesium. Dr. Dean is a doctor, homeopath, herbalist and
nutritionist who has used magnesium with dramatic success in
her own practice.
Prof. Harold Foster
University of Victoria
P.O. Box 3050
Victoria, British Columbia
Canada V8W 3PS
Author of magnesium papers and the book, "Health, Disease,
and The Environment", in which he examines the health benefits of
magnesium in water
Herbert C. Mansmann, Jr., M.D.
Pediatrics, Allergy and Immunology
Professor of Pediatrics
Associate Professor of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
Jefferson Medical College
Thomas Jefferson University
Former Director Division A&I 1958-95
Dr. Mansmann was the Director of the Magnesium
Research Laboratory
Mr. Tom Miller
Premier Services Co.
19826 Hidden Trail Place
Walnut, CA 91789
Tel./Fax. (909) 594-4921
Magnesium researcher and Mg marketing developer for a
magnesium refining company
Prof. Mildred Seelig, MD (Deceased, January 2005)
Univ. of North Carolina
Editor Emeritus, Journal of the American College of
Dr. Seelig is widely regarded as one of the leading
authorities on magnesium, world-wide. See reprints of some of her
published work at seelig.shtml
Dr. Burt Silver
553 Pilgrim Drive, Suite B
Commerce Park
Foster City, CA 94404
Tel. (415) 349-5233
Fax. (415) 349-9031
Dr. Silver is a magnesium researcher.
Prof. Theophilos Theophanides
National Technical University
Chemical Engineering Department
Radiation Chemistry and Biospectroscopy
Zografou Campus
Zografou 15 780, Athens, Greece
Tel. +30-1-772 3133 / +30-1-772 3183
Fax. +30-1-772 3184
Prof Theophilos Theophanides is the President of the
International Society for Magnesium Research, SRDM. He was a
member of the national and local organizing committees for the
VIII International Symposium on Magnesium which took place in
October of 1997. There he spoke on the "Supramolecular Chemistry
of Magnesium and Water".
Dr. Jesus Martinez Valdez, MD
1871 Salazar St.
Saltillo, Coahuila 25065
Tel. +(52) 84 175 827
Fax. +(52) 84 178 806
Medical Doctor and magnesium researcher
Raul Vergini, M.D.
Via Varano Costa Nuova, 2
47016 Predappio (FC), Italy
Tel. (+39) 0543-922.116
Dr. Vergini is a homeopath with interests also in other
alternative approaches such as nutrition, food supplements,
anti-aging, alternative cancer treatments, energy psychology
(EFT, TAT...), etc. He held several conferences in Italy about
magnesium chloride in past years and published a book about
magnesium in 1994 called Curarsi con il Magnesio, Red
Edizioni. (Healing with Magnesium)
Rosemary Waring
School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT,
Dr. Waring has done research showing that soaking in Mg-rich
mineral water greatly increases the serum level of Mg, thus
validating the millenia-old use of mineral springs for therapy,
practiced all over the world and in many cultures. See: transdermal.shtml.
The Healthy Water Web Site is maintained by:
Paul Mason
P.O. Box 1199
Livermore, CA 94551
This page was first uploaded on June 9, 1997